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The Big Dig

Posted on: May 30th, 2017 by pcEditor

We all know that the English weather can be unpredictable at best, but luckily for us, the rain held off for the Principals Big Dig at Warren Road Primary School in Orpington last week.

Principals had provided the school with various fruits and vegetables for the edible garden, to be planted by the school’s eco-team and their volunteering parents under the guidance of teacher Christine Milliband.

Warren Road’s teachers, parents and children were joined by the Deputy Mayor and Mayoress of Bromley as they celebrated Outdoor Classroom Day by planting cucumbers, aubergines, peas, chillies and strawberries in the school’s thriving garden. These will soon find their way onto the children’s plates at lunchtime and Principals hosted the day to promote healthy eating and raise awareness of sustainability.

Deputy Mayor, Councillor Kevin Brooks, spoke about how happy he was to have been invited to such a great event which would help the children to gain a greater understanding of where their food comes from.

The children were eager to get their hands (and knees) dirty and even our own Operations Director Julian Rutherford was happy to lend a hand, helping the kids protect the strawberry plants with straw.

Once everybody was cleaned up, the Principals team, led by Clare Lock and Jane McIntyre, provided afternoon tea with chocolate and beetroot brownies, and the Deputy Mayor’s favourite of the day, courgette and lime cake, showing that healthy can still be delicious.

The team also shared recipes for zesty lime cake, apple flapjack and Caribbean spiced pasties to encourage the children to cook at home.

A great big thank you to Headteacher, Richard Edmonds, his staff, pupils and all those involved for making this day such a great success

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